CEs and CEUs
for BASE™ Basic Trainings and BASE™ Specialty Workshops
*24 ce’s are issued for 4 day module/workshops and 18 ce’s are issued for 3 day modules/workshops. ce’s are granted for in-person workshop; there are no ce’s associated with video version of workshops. Presently, NCBTMB ce’s are available. Physical health care providers—please check with your state.
The American Psychology Association and related ce’s are no longer available because the APA refuses to recognize somatic therapies. I am in the process of searching for another provider. Your state licensure board may award ce’s with the certificate of completion and/or objectives, though. It is up to each student to know their licensure requirements.
Disability Access - If you require ADA accommodations please contact our office 30 days or more before the event. We cannot ensure accommodations without adequate prior notification.
Please Note: Licensing Boards change regulations often and while we attempt to stay abreast of their most recent changes, if you have questions or concerns about this course meeting your specific board’s approval, we recommend you contact your board directly to obtain a ruling.
NCBTMB Provider #1023
*24 ce’s are issued for 4 day module/workshops and 18 ce’s are issued for 3 day modules/workshops. ce’s are granted for in-person workshop; there are no ce’s associated with video version of workshops.
Please Note: Licensing Boards change regulations often and while we attempt to stay abreast of their most recent changes, if you have questions or concerns about this course meeting your specific board’s approval, we recommend you contact your board directly to obtain a ruling.